Seguridad en los deportes acuƔticos
Before you get in the water:
1. Know the federal and state laws that apply to your area
2. If you aren't familiar with the area ask someone who is, to tell you of any hidden dangers.
3. Wear a properly fitted life jacket
4. Inspect all equipment
Watercraft Safety:
1. A knowledgeable and responsible driver is the most important safety device
2. Never operate a watercraft, ski, or tube under influence of drugs or alcohol
3. Never exceed the passenger weight limit or weight limitations of watercraft
4. Never allow passengers to hang outside the watercraft or towed device
5. Uneven weight distribution may affect the handling of watercraft
Tow Ropes:
1. Never use a rope that is frayed
2. Make sure rope is properly tied onto the towing watercraft
3. Always keep tow ropes and people away from the propeller
4. If the rope gets stuck in prop-shut off the engine, remove the key before retrieving the rope
Preparing to ski or ride:
1. Always have an observer on the boat
2. The driver, observer, and rider need to agree on hand signals before riding/skiing: ready, stop, speed up, slow down
3. Turn engine off when people are boarding the watercraft or getting in the water
4. Always make sure the rope isn't wrapped around anyone's hands, feet, arms, or legs
5. Start the watercraft and move slowly to remove slack until the tow rope is tight
6. When the rider is ready and there aren't any other boats in front of you, take off in a straight line
7. Circle a fallen rider slowly to return the tow rope handle or pick up the fallen rider- keep rider to your right-hand side
8. Put the watercraft in neutral when near a fallen rider
The boat driver is responsible for keeping the skier out of dangerous areas, maintaining safe distances from hazards, running at a safe speed appropriate to the skill of the skier, and being aware of other boats.
It is the state law that an observer should also be in the boat.
New skiers should be taken out on a quiet area/time of the lake rather than on a busy summer weekend. Not only will it be more enjoyable and easier for the novice to learn, but it will be less hazardous for everyone.
Safety & Courtesy When Skiing
• Wear life jackets at all times while skiing.
• Be courteous and do not spray other boats, skiers or people on the banks.
• Avoid stationary objects like trees, tree stumps, docks, buoys. Visible and submerged parts could cause injury to a skier if hit.
• Do not ski too close to docks. Swimmers near docks may not be seen and could be injured.
• Watch for fishing lines from fishing rods on docks and in boats. Lines are not always attended.
• Improve your skiing with lessons: learning new tricks, better techniques, and added safety.
• Do not kick off a ski to improve skiing. Other boaters may hit the abandoned ski or it may be stolen.
• Boat drivers should approach a downed skier so the skier is on the driver's side of the boat and in full view of the driver. The engine should always be turned off when taking a skier aboard from the water. When a skier falls it is a good idea for them to hold their ski high in the water so other boaters can see them.
• Ski ropes should be protected from other boats running over them when the skier is down.
Safety & Courtesy When Wakeboarding
• In general, the same rules that apply to water skiing apply to wakeboarding.
• Wakeboard boats must be driven with caution. They are extremely heavy and do not respond quickly to steering, throttle, or stopping commands. Due to their weight, serious damage can be caused to objects they may hit.
• Wakeboard boats usually have a lot and also while pulling a wakeboard skier at slower speeds. Forward visibility is impaired, increasing the chance of collisions or injury to people in the water because the bow rises both when trying to get on plane.
• Ski ropes should be protected from other boats running over them when the skier is down.
• Speeds should be kept steady as the rider approaches the wake.
• Speeds should be reduced when circling around a fallen rider. High-powered turns will send rollers across a large area of the lake. Drivers should bring the boat to a stop, make a slow turn and return to the rider.
• As the handle reaches the rider, put the boat into reverse for a quick second. This will put a little slack into the rope and avoid jerking the rider's arms and reduce the chance of injury from wrapping the rope around an arm, leg, neck or another body part.
• Be an attentive, defensive driver. For safety and smoother water try to stay a good distance from other boaters. Show respect and courtesy to all to law
officers, property owners, other boaters, skiers, and fishermen.
La comunicaciĆ³n entre el conductor del barco, el observador y el esquiador es importante. Todos deben comprender la ruta planificada y conocer las seƱales manuales antes de salir.
1. Acelerar el barco: Pulgar arriba.
2. Reducir la velocidad del barco: Pulgar hacia abajo.
3. Cortar motor/parar (tambiƩn utilizado por el conductor u observador): movimiento cortante a lo largo del cuello.
4. Girar el barco (tambiĆ©n utilizado por): movimiento circular con los brazos por encima de la cabeza y luego apuntar en la direcciĆ³n deseada.
5. Regreso al muelle: palmadita en la cabeza.
6. Velocidad y trayectoria del barco OK o seƱales entendidas: SeƱal OK con la mano.
7. El esquiador se cae y no estĆ” bien: agita los brazos.

Llamar. 765-344-1989
Texto. 765-592-3046
1223 S. Raccoon Parkway
Rockville, Indiana 47872